Datawell BV
Datawell is a company which develops oceanographical measuring instruments. Our products have proven to excellently withstand the harsh marine environment.
- The global gold standard in directional wave measurement.

Home of the Waverider
Riding the waves for over 60 years!
Specializing in the marine environment, Datawell developed the basic principles of the gravity stabilized long period motion sensors. That, in combination with designs for very low power electronics, resulted in the Waverider (1968), the Wavec buoy (1983) and Directional Waverider buoy (1988).
Automatic Identification System
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) allows your buoy to broadcast its location to its surroundings. The implementation of a type 1 AIS Aids to Navigation configuration which broadcasts every three minutes results in a very low power system. No additional antenna is needed, as it is integrated in the regular HF- and CAT4 antennas.
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Datawell is proud to present its history of over sixty years.
The fact that during this period its wave height measuring buoys have been the world standard is proof of the continuous dedication of the company and its employees to the quality and technology of the product. This dedication ensures further innovations: an autonomous mini-meteo-buoy, a low-budget GPS based wave height measuring buoy, a low-frequency extension of the measurement, Datawell mooring of navigation aid buoys, etc. The need for well-engineered measuring equipment surviving in a marine environment has given Datawell a beautiful history and a bright future.
- Datawell measuring instruments are utilized all around the globe.