Mooring Systems
The design of a buoy mooring includes a variety of aspects: size and purpose of the buoy, sea conditions like water depth, tidal range, water velocity, typical sea state, and maximum sea state, sea bottom material, sometimes even sea bottom slope and of course period of deployment, number and kind of passing vessels, etc. A proper buoy mooring keeps the buoy on the spot as well as provides flexibility to follow the waves. Both goals are attained by including a rubber cord in the mooring line. For a wave-measuring buoy, following the wave motion independently of the (tidal) current forces is crucial for the correct operating. For a navigation buoy, a rubber cord mooring secures a more accurate positioning. In addition it, reduces the wear of the mooring, resulting in larger inspection intervals. Thus, a rubber cord mooring is an adequate and cost-effective solution for both types of buoys.
The specifications of the mooring lay-out differ for every specific situation. Dependent on local conditions such as current, water depth and expected wave climate, the configuration is chosen.